Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sorry I have been so absent



I am wishing that sleep was a optional thing, that way I could have recorded the funny things my kids did this week - but I have been scrambling to get reCREATE underway.

First - on Monday - We got our Truck back Wrapped and almost ready to go....

Tuesday my dad and poor sick husband finshed putting the shelving up for the supplies on the inside. Tuesday night I stocked it. Wednesday morning our first field trips!! My mom came along as a volunteer - and was an awesome helper. We visited Sierra Elementary in Rocklin and had a great time teaching the kids to be good environmental stewards and then they made some great art!

My favorite part of the day? When this little boy came and gave me a HUG and said thank you... and also sittong on the back of the truck in the playground eating out lunch and being surrounded by kids who thought we were cool. Nothing like a group of 3rd graders to make you feel like a rockstar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zach must be so excited to see his face riding around town! The wrap turned out great! ~D