Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Zach's 6!


We had a great party for Zach's 6th birthday. We held it ia the Maidu Interprative Center - a n Indian Museum here in Roseville. There were 23 kids there - 25 with Zach n' Sela. It was very fun. The kids learned to throw spears, made bracelets, sang native songs, had dinner outside, followed by roasted marshmallows and cake.

Here is the camping theme invitation and s'more party favor. They also got an arrowhead and polished stone of their choice. I think the kids had a blast.

You may notice that he decided to ask for a donation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium instead of gifts... He still ended up with plenty of gifts... but he was able to donate over $200.00 to the aquarium and he was REALLY excited about that!! We are excited to take him to see the Seahorse exhibit when it opens.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

What a Difference a Week Makes...

Did I really say my life was carefree on Monday? That must have been before I had to take Zach to the doc again for his Asthma, Sela threw up on me, and I practically begged the doc on the phone for cough medicine with codeine so that I might someday get over this cough that is BACK.

I guess I was still caught up in the high from our new president!

So now I am looking down the barrel of a week that includes:

*Planning/purchasing/prepping food for a gazillion kids at Zach's b-day on Saturday Afternoon
* Finishing my presentation for a group of teachers at the IMAX theatre on Saturday Morning.
* Finishing and prepping materials for a Valentines Craft for Saturday morning for reCREATE.
*Praying that this cough will miraculously go away by tomorrow and that the kids will be healthy this week.
*All this and Mark will be gone for most of it. This is taking some getting used to.

I'm going to bed. I'm tired just thinking about it. Have a great week and wish me luck!