Sunday, November 29, 2009

I can't believe I didn't post for so long

It was crazy busy in October...
I went to Austin Texas and met up with some old friends from High School, and ran my first half marathon... here we are the night before the run about to go see the bats fly out from under the bridge in Austin. They have one of the largest bat colonies there in the Western hemisphere!

I had an awesome time and just love my friends that I have been so lucky to reconnect with!

The run was HARD... it rained for the last 5 miles... REALLY rained. Despite that it was an amazing feeling to complete 13.1 miles.

Zach and I both got what ou doctors told us was H1N1 flu a bit later in October. It was ugly. It took is both a few weeks to get back to having any energy at all. We are all good now!

reCREATE opened! So much to say I will leave it for a separate post!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Congrats on many achievements! And boo about the H1N1... good to see you post again.