Sunday, March 23, 2008

DID and Ice Cream

Hi All;
Happy Easter! Snapped this picture of the kids the other day - they seem to get cuter every day to me!

Zach has been at my parents' houuse for the last couple of days so it has just been Mark and Sela and I. I thought I would get a million things dones... but had to spend a few hoursa closing our bank account and opening a new one - as someone got our account # and started paying their bills from our account - $2000 later. I said to Mark... we should have more $ in here. Luckily the bank was helpful... but how frustrating.

On my friend Tez's site... she had a link that talked about what flavour ice cream you are - you take a little quiz... here I am...

I signed up for the new Jessica Sprague class... I'm SOOOO excited. Can't wait!

Happy Easter Everyone!!


Dawn said...

Your children are so those's been years but the granddaughter is the apple of my eyes these days...and a new one is them, spoil them and hand them

Carol said...

They are such cute little ones.
I have seen that little quiz, must give it a go.
Happy Easter.

Chrystal said...

Your kids are adorable!!

See you in class!!!!

Kari said...

Such a bummer about your bank account ... hope it's all worked out!

Heather said...

It's crazy that someone was able to tap into your private information. Hope you were able to get away straightened out, Donna.