Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some Recent Snow Pictures

Ugh... We have been passing aroung an ugly cough in our house. The kids are over it but Mark and I are still hacking away. I'm so tired of coughing!
These pictures are from a few weeks ago when we went to the snow. My parents are so great. Mark had to work the weekend, so we took the kids up to the snow. Zach was scared to sled at first... and decided to walk down the hill. I was getting impatient (It was alot more dangeous walking down the hill full of sledders... but my mom stepped in and eased him into the sled like only a Nama could.) Meanwhile Ci had my dad on the other side of the hill saying, "Again, Again!" This was about an hour from my house in the Sierras.
My dad was just coming off that bad cold and really should have been in the lounger at home. BUT.. even though he was tired, I'm sure he was glad he went. Fun was had by all. Too bad Mark had to work.


Carol said...

ohh, lucky you to be able to go to the snow for the weekend. They are such adorable photos.

Jeanne said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!

I'm sorry to hear about your colds...the coughing is the worst, isn't it? Especially what I call the "tickle" cough that can last for a long time!

Good to see you posting again!

Kari said...

Hope you guys are over that cough by now ... I know it lingered in our house FOREVER!!! You pictures are filled with such delight :) Looks like a wonderful time!

Jackie said...

I am just catching up...hopefully you are done with that nasty cough now..great sledding pics :)