Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ci's Busy Day of Firsts

Ci started Preschool and ballet today.

I asked he what her favorite was... and she say, "I loved Ballet-in the most! There was beautiful princess music."

She told Zach now she is a "Ballet-er".

She seemed to have fun at both. They said she did "awesome" at preschool today.

sorry my pictures are less than stellar - I accidentally was shooting not in "auto" when I thought I was.


Anonymous said...

How fun for Sela! It almost looks like she is bouncing for joy in that one picture on the sidewalk! ~D

Carol said...

How cute does she look. I love the last photo of her, you can feel the joy in her steps.

Jackie said...

Oh she just looks too cute in her "princess" leotard....too cute