Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rocket Camp - Launch Day


Launch Day for Rocket Camp was yesterday. Zach woke me up at 5:45.

Z - Mom the bus leaves at 6:00.
Me - No - it leaves at 9:00
Z - You are WRONG!! I am going to miss my launch.
Me - dragging out of BED - get the info paper and show him.
Z - The paper is wrong - they said 6:00 - we have to go! (He was MAD)
Me - Zach, you heard wrong, and when we get there and the bus is there - you are apologizing for getting so mad at me.

Driving up the the camp, bus parked in front.

Z - Sorry Mom - with a huge smile on his face.

The Launch was out at UC Davis.

Sela didn't like the sound when they launched... but once it was all over and Zach was running to pick up his rocket, Sela leans into me,and says, "Mama I love our running Zach." She was proud of her big brother (And glad it was over!)
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Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun. That's something Kendal would have liked too. ~D

Heather said...

Glad I stopped by today - there is a lot to catch up on here! Hope all is well, my friend. How are things with reCREATE these days? Your children are cute as ever!!!