Monday, January 25, 2010

I Can Smell the Future!

Sela's imagination has been in overdrive lately, and she is keeping us laughing.

She told Zach and I the other day, "I am a witch you know. I can smell the future."
To which we broke out into hysterical laughter... maybe you had to be there... but Zach and I were impressed with her originality.

Last night I asked he who knew she was a witch.
"Just you guys, and my best friend Emily, and Miss Jennifer (her preschool teacher)."
"You told Miss Jennifer you were a witch?"
"MOM! She already knowed. She's a witch too!"

This comes on the heels of her telling Emily that Dr. Seuss is both her grandpa AND her doctor!


過年嚕 said...
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cathy said...

that is so adorable. just love the stories!