Monday, May 19, 2008

Update on the Binky Front

We made it through night number one. She did wake up around 4:00 and asked me to rock her and just whimpered. But once I showed her her little present from the Binky Fairy she was happy and went to bed.
Tonight - feeling a bit bolder because it is her birthday she was yelling from her room, "I want my "Mouth Night Night" RIGHT now." I reminded her it was gone and she gave me a look of disgust and gave up.
I figure we will be good in a few more days! Thanks for the nice comments - I appreciate it!!


Carol said...

Donna you are being so brave with the binky, and it sounds like it will all settle down. I like you always have tears when they reach the next milestone.
I hope your darling girl sleeps well.

Anonymous said...

I'll call in the next couple of days. We're all still sick - the baby now has a bad rash and is throwing up again. ;-( we're going on 6 weeks and I'm bloody tired! wah!