Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Coyotes!





Zach and the Coyotoes had their 3rd soccer game today. The first two games were pretty rough on thier team - they played teams that seemed like they were playing together for so long. Today - the Coyotes did so good. They were passing and calling out to eachother. Zach got an assist and a GGGGGGOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL! I think they ended up tying the game in the end - they don't keep official score for them at that age. The weather was nice and there was cloud cover for at least 1/2 of the game - so the kids weren't so hot today, which was nice!
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1 comment:

Carol said...

Go the Coyotes!!!! They are gorgeous photos of the game and Zach looks so little in his soccer gear, but so cute.