Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As the Backyardigans say....Huka Pele!

I am so sorry I have been ignoring my blog. I have been BURIED in work, and am just starting to feel like I'm getting in the groove. Life is dramatically different here from a month ago. My sweet Sela is now going to preschool 5 days a week. She is enrolled in a Montesorri program and loves it. I never knew much about their philosophies - had heard about the kids having "jobs" and didn't understand it. Sela has completely embraced it, and has channeled her energy in very positive ways. They call their learning activities "jobs". She is so happy to be learning so much.
Zach had his first field trip last week, and Mark went with the class to the pumpkin farm. I had agreed to present reCREATE to the Kiwanis Club - so I had to miss it.
They had fun - I'll post pictures soon!
Soccer is more than half over and Zach is still really liking it.
Mark has been an awesome husband while we settle into this new schedule. He has really gone above and beyond - and surprised me last weekend by organizing the storage unit. It was AMAZING! This is all awesomely nice of him because he has been working some long hours on top of it. Yep... my husband rocks!

The pictures are from a few weeks back. We made a volcano in the sand box from vinegar and baking soda - it was fun! And as the Volcano Sisters say - Huka Pele!


Carol said...

Love that volcano! Gorgeous pictures and I am glad your new career is starting to settle a little.

Tezra Williams said...

What a brilliant idea to create a volcano in the sand box!!! Great pictures