Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Change is in the air

Tonight, history was made.
Tonight I am proud to be American.

Tonight I am sad at the intolerant beliefs that marriage needed to be protected.... from what? Recently I was "found" by an old classmate. I knew him for many years... you know - the smiling always friendly guy who was in your class. We didn't really hang out in school, but I always liked him. So... we reconnected via Facebook... turns out he is gay, and happily in a relationship. I thought about him when I voted today. I crossed my fingers things would go his way, because he is a good person.

I wonder how people stand behind religion to say homosexuality is wrong. We are all God's children. I really can't imagine how so many people have decided it was their place to judge what is a sin. I thought that was God's job.

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