Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Sweet Moment
It seems like I have been saying , "zach don't push your sister, Sela don't hit your brother so much lately." I was so happy to be able to capture this sweet moment between the kids the other day while they were waiting to go into a bounce house.
Yah! For sibling love!!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:43 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Zach's Soccer Games and Sela Being Silly
Zach has had such a great experience playing soccer this season. His coach is great... patient but also teaching the kids so much about Soccer. They had their end of season party last week and their last game today. I snapped off these pictures last week at his game. He loves playing goalie - and I was especially proud that he didn't let the other team score once! He also scored a goal - so that was fun!
I also had some fun with Sela snapping off some shots of her entertaining herself during the game.... pretending to be a butterfly and just plain being silly.
When I asked Zach is he had fun playing soccer he said, "I would have more fun if we would win more."
Me, "But Zach - this is about having fun - not about winning."
Zach, "but Mom - winning IS fun!
He is definitely got my competitive gene - poor child!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:52 PM
I am so slow in posting these days. Here are the kids for Halloween. Zach was quite the brave little guy this year - not even flinching at the older kids scary outfits... Interestingly our little ballerina (who isn't scared of anything usually) was spooked by the scary halloween noises some houses were playing. Scared enough to blow off getting a piece of candy from them - which is alot from our little treat monster. We had such a nice time trick or treating with our friends the Hays. They are the nicest family!
I was happy with their costumes this year. I made Sela's tutu. Mark and I and Nama created Zach's robot costume. He was by far a favorite costume and got rave reviews both at school and while out trick or treating. The best paert... we spent hardly anyhing putting the costume together! My personal favorite was the milk carton robot helmet.
Posted by
Donna S.
8:29 PM
Labels: halloween robot costume, tutu
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Zach and Ci
I forced myself to slow down and notice the nuances of my kids behavior. I have been running crazy - distracted, and not paying attention, and realized that many days had gone by without my really noticing just how amazing my kids are. How awful is that? So I just stopped. I stopped nagging about the dirty socks on the floor. I stopped worrying about being late for school, or for the lost blue folder (WHERE is that folder?!), and I just enjoyed. Truth is... my family is pretty amazing.
Sela is wondering around the house saying Pppp Pppp P is for princess. P is for Pony. P is for pretty, P is for pp purple. Yep... my 3 year old is figuring out sounds... I love it! I looked at her beautiful face and realized that I need to slow down and savor the moments... because before I know it she won't ask to just sit with me.
Zach is recognizing words and starting to help read his good night books. He is so sweet. He promised to save up all his kisses for me while I was sick. I didn't want him to get sick - so he said he would save them for when I am all better.
He seems so big to me lately. It isn't easy to pick him up and carry him around anymore... and that makes me teary just thinking about it.
Mark is still driving to Oakland a few days a week. We all miss him when he isn't here. Sela said this morning.. "Where's dada? I want to share my gummy vite with him!" (gummy vitamin) Zach sometime asks me questions only Mark would know - Mom - how far away is the closest star? What is the temperature on Jupiter? etc.
Mark is teaching Zach to play Chess... I love how they are both such smarties together.
We are so so blessed.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:35 AM
Labels: family blessed
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Change is in the air
Tonight, history was made.
Tonight I am proud to be American.
Tonight I am sad at the intolerant beliefs that marriage needed to be protected.... from what? Recently I was "found" by an old classmate. I knew him for many years... you know - the smiling always friendly guy who was in your class. We didn't really hang out in school, but I always liked him. So... we reconnected via Facebook... turns out he is gay, and happily in a relationship. I thought about him when I voted today. I crossed my fingers things would go his way, because he is a good person.
I wonder how people stand behind religion to say homosexuality is wrong. We are all God's children. I really can't imagine how so many people have decided it was their place to judge what is a sin. I thought that was God's job.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:34 PM