Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Thursday!

I took this picture of Zach when we were in Monterey, and every time I look at it, it makes me happy. The kids are back in swimming lessons this week. We went to the water slide a few days ago and it was fun... but tired everyone out, making yesterday a little bit harder than usual. But they are their happy selves again today, and for that I am thankful!
Zach is into really big numbers at the moment - he works it into almost every conversation... like, "mom I kicked my legs 50 thousand two hundred gazillion and 6 times at swimming lessons.

Sela is really doing imagination play - mostly centered around her princess friends. The other night I took them to drop-in childcare to go to dinner, and when I went to pick them up, the gal said she was crying for me. She told her I would be back soon, and Sela asked, "Is her our with her princess friends?" The girl didn't really know what to say. Sela looks at me and asks again, and I said, "Why yes! I was!"


cathy said...

What a goofy little man! What a cute picture and special memory. So glad you were able to capture that little piece of his personality. Great to see you the other night!

Carol said...

I love this photo, what a cutie.

Heather said...

Your kids are the kind I love hanging out with. And devastatingly cute to boot!!!

Anonymous said...

great picture! Thanks again for a great birthday dinner! ~D

Lisbet said...

I was just surfing around and I really enjoy watching your blog.
Hava a great summer.