Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Little Bill

You know you are tired when you get choked up over the kids cartoon Little Bill. I have been hitting it hard with my grant application, and this morning I put on a Little bill show for my kids to watch so I could snooze on the couch for a few... only I got caught up in the story about Little Bills neighbor Mrs Shapiro moving away. She sang a little song about Same Moon, Same Sun, Same Stars... and I started thinking about my far away friends and got a little misty. Here are some of the lyrics...

We'll be wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

When you're thinking of me

I'll be thinking of you

And no matter where i go

I will be there with you

Wishing on the same star

Lookin at the same moon

now that I look at it is seems kinda corny - but hey it was a moment... and the best part? Sela climbed up and gave me a hug. (Zach was ignoring it all, asking for chocolate milk - boys!)


Heather said...

Aww, I needed to read this post today. It's my brother's birthday and the whole family is getting together for it... well except for me who is over 900 miles away from the hub of the party. Same moon, same stars.

cathy said...

I love this. You are doing so much, I am glad you were able to have that moment and have Sela there too. You are awesome!