Today we took the kids to Apple Hill in Placerville. It is a group of several apple farms that have banded together to encourage tourism. At the first stop Sela spotted a cutout of a cow.
She said to me, "Mama. I like cows very much."
Me, "Really? Why do you like cows, Ci?"
Ci, "Because I like cow milk!"
At this moment I was quite proud of my smart little 3 year old.
Then she said, "I like cow juice too!"
Me, "Like apple juice?"
Ci, "Yeah, cow apple juice is delicious!"
Me, "Oh sweetie - I'm glad you like cows... but they don't make juice, just milk.
Ci, "And chocolate milk!"
Me, "close enough!"
They had ponies and horses to ride at one of the farms - here is a pic of Sela riding one.
On the way back to the car she said, "Mama. I liked that beautiful pony. Her a really big pony that I rode!"
I'll post more pictures tomorrow.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My little cowgirl
Posted by
Donna S.
10:27 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Zach's First Day of Kindergarten
Here are the pictures of Zach's first day of kindergarten from earlier this week. He was really excited. I told him I would iron his shirt - and he said, "Wow.... I better call Namie and tell her... you NEVER iron my stuff." (My mom actually likes ironing - me - I think I'm allergic to it). But hey - he had to look good for the pictures right?!
Zach lined up right away when the bell sounded, and was SO SERIOUS. The last picture was him leaving after the first day - he is smiling and happy. He really likes his teacher!
Posted by
Donna S.
1:58 PM
OH My... I'm a Soccer Mom?!
Next thing you know I'll be shopping for a hybrid van - ha ha!
Zach is LOVING soccer - his team is the Coyotes, and he previously knew 3 of the kids on his team - which is nice! How about those cool shoes?!
I'm really proud of him - he is trying hard, and listening to his coach, and despite the heat - not complaining! He even got the team ball for trying hard and not complaining last week!
(Sela is on the sidelines breaking into the snacks I brought for after practice and keeping me running to find a new bush for her to pee behind - despite potty runs before practice.)
Posted by
Donna S.
1:50 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Letter to Zach
Oh Zach;
My boy who I love so deeply. My boy who can get under my skin like nobody else can. I can't believe it is almost time for me to drop you off at your first day of kindergarten.
You are so ready. You know all the "stuff" you need to know for school... your numbers (to 10 hundred gazillion million if I let you count that long - without asking you to take a rest), your letters, your sounds, how to sit and listen to the teachers.
You know how to be a caring boy. Too caring I worry. Please don't let the other kids make you cry... because they can be mean. And please don't make other kids cry... remember to be your sweet self.
Zach, I know I tell you to hurry up probably a 100 times a day... do me a favor and keep not listening... and I will try to slow down and savor these little every day moments that make up life.
I am so proud of you, and I don't tell you enough, but I think I am the luckiest mom in the world to have you for my son.
Now go do great in kindergarten - and when you are packing away childhood memories, please don't remember me nagging you to pick up your toys... remember the laughter of us tickling eachother, or how you can never get or recieve a kiss without rubbing it in. Always have that unrushed curiosity - to explore bugs and think about how things work. File away the special times of reading books together at night, because I know in a blink of an eye you will be telling me you can read your own book. Oh, and Zach, even if you need me less, every now and then, let me do little things for you, that let me cherish being your mama. I love you.
Posted by
Donna S.
11:20 PM
Labels: kindergarten, Zach
While Zach was Away...
A few weeks back Zach went to my parents for a few days. Sela talks about princesses and parties ad nauseum, so I told her we could have a Princess Tea party - just her and I. As you can see she picked her favorite princess dress - never mind that it was over 100 degrees outside... this is her favorite.
We talked about Cinderella and Ariel and sparkly things and ate fruit and drank tea. It was quite lovely!
Posted by
Donna S.
10:56 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
When Little Worlds Collide
Zach: I am Alien Joe (in Robot speak)
Sela: Hello, I am Princess Ariel. (complete with sparkly lip glass)
Zach: Come into my Rocket Ship - Lets go to Outer Space!
Sela: Ummm Zachie - I mean Alien Joe? That isn't your rocket ship it is ACTUALLY my castle. (Actually it is their kid couch sitting on end)
Zach: NO Sela - it is my rocket, now come aboard right now!
Sela: Oh ok... but my name is Ariel!
Posted by
Donna S.
11:26 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Family Pictures
We had the pleasure of meeting the nicest photographer a few evenings ago. I had asked he to take pictures of my parents and kids for my mom's birthday. Jen Stewart has an amazing eye... and I have been oogling her pictures on Tezra's site for a while now. I LOVE the pictures. (except I need a diet)
Check them out here:
Posted by
Donna S.
9:28 AM
Labels: jen stewart photography, kids, parents
Monday, August 11, 2008
Zach - World Class Pie Maker
Last week Zach was in a Little Chefs Camp. He had a blast. The first day he brought home a plate with some stuff for us to try... but every day after that he scarfed down EVERYTHING he made... most of the other kids were going home with plates... and his teacher just said - he ate it... he liked it! ...until Friday when they each made an apple pie. (and the teachers didn't let them break into it... good thing or we would have surely gotten an emply pie tin!) It was delicious too! He just looks so proud in this picture. I love that it captured this little summer highlight for him!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:22 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Just Keep Swimming!
Zach and Sela have truly turned into water babes this summer. Was it really just in June that Zach wouldn't put his head under water?
Oh! I am just so proud of their efforts and how they have learned to love the water... because I was afraid we wouldn't share that love. (Zach would barely put his face in at the beginning of summer - and now he is jumping into the deep end and swimming across!)
I can not believe the summer is almost over, and Zach will be in Kindergarten in a few short weeks. (swallowing the lump in my throat). Life just seems to be moving so fast. Sigh.
Posted by
Donna S.
8:21 PM
Labels: swimming
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I was scared-ed!
I have to write these little conversations down, because I know I will forget them, and when the kids get older they will laugh!
We went out to eat sandwiches for lunch, and Zach dropped his napkin. He politely asked for a new one, and Mark got him one.
As we are leaving, I ask Zach to go pick up the napkin he dropped on the floor. I have this thing about not trashing a restaurant when we go there and I am trying to teach them to be responsible. There were some people sitting right there, and someone that worked there was talking to him, and he said to me, I'll get it. And I said, "No thanks, He dropped it, he can pick it up."
So Zach starts getting all wiggy. (Pulling away from me and tripping)
I ask him what's wrong and he say, "I got scared-ed." He always puts that extra "ed" on scared for some reason.
So I pick it up and we get them out to the car.... and ask what that was all about... and he just says I was scared-ed. (To which Mark makes a snarky comment that only I could hear about napkins being super scary.) I guess he got nervous when the guy who worked there started paying attention to what we were doing.
Then Sela chimes in.... complete with her expressive hand gestures.
"I'm not scared... of dragons or spiders, or loud fireworks. I'm not scared.... I'm a big girl."
Zach's reply? "Ohhhh! Sela! You are too scared of those things!"
Sela, "no - I not scared! I a big girl!"
Yep... that Sela - she pretty much put a little pink skirt on her big brother with her comments.
Posted by
Donna S.
8:20 PM
Labels: big girl, Conversations, scared, Sela, Zach
Friday, August 1, 2008
Talking to Reporters
Yesterday I met with a reporter from the local newspaper. I worked in the newspaper business for YEARS... and yet, when talking about reCREATE... I feel nervous and babbling. Argh... I hope I sounded ok. The story should hit on the 14th.
Posted by
Donna S.
2:34 PM