Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I can't believe I didn't post for so long
It was crazy busy in October...
I went to Austin Texas and met up with some old friends from High School, and ran my first half marathon... here we are the night before the run about to go see the bats fly out from under the bridge in Austin. They have one of the largest bat colonies there in the Western hemisphere!
I had an awesome time and just love my friends that I have been so lucky to reconnect with!
The run was HARD... it rained for the last 5 miles... REALLY rained. Despite that it was an amazing feeling to complete 13.1 miles.
Zach and I both got what ou doctors told us was H1N1 flu a bit later in October. It was ugly. It took is both a few weeks to get back to having any energy at all. We are all good now!
reCREATE opened! So much to say I will leave it for a separate post!
Posted by
Donna S.
7:54 AM
Labels: half marathon Austin, reCREATE
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I am still alive... really...
424 kids going through reCREATE at their school this week.
1 Huge Fundraising event called Junk 2 Genius with the Davis Art Center on October 2nd.
1 reCREATE ART Center and reuse store slated to open October 17th.
1 Grand Opening Art Show October 24th - UnMASKing the Beauty of Trash.
2 beautiful children who really don't care about my other obligations
1 husband who I have asked too many times to help with reCREATE
1 very overwhelmed and tired person.
3 weeks until my half marathon
434 reasons I have NOT had my blog updated lately.
Posted by
Donna S.
7:00 PM
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Rocket Camp - Launch Day
Launch Day for Rocket Camp was yesterday. Zach woke me up at 5:45.
Z - Mom the bus leaves at 6:00.
Me - No - it leaves at 9:00
Z - You are WRONG!! I am going to miss my launch.
Me - dragging out of BED - get the info paper and show him.
Z - The paper is wrong - they said 6:00 - we have to go! (He was MAD)
Me - Zach, you heard wrong, and when we get there and the bus is there - you are apologizing for getting so mad at me.
Driving up the the camp, bus parked in front.
Z - Sorry Mom - with a huge smile on his face.
The Launch was out at UC Davis.
Sela didn't like the sound when they launched... but once it was all over and Zach was running to pick up his rocket, Sela leans into me,and says, "Mama I love our running Zach." She was proud of her big brother (And glad it was over!)
Posted by
Donna S.
6:30 AM
Labels: rocket camp launch day, Zach
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Swimming Lessons
My poor kids HATE their swimming lessons... can you tell?? The pictures of Sela "telling jokes" on the side of the pool just crack me up.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:54 PM
Labels: swimming
Monday, July 20, 2009
Normal Day
Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so.
One day I shall dig my nails into the earth,
or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut,
or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.
~Mary Jean Irion
Posted by
Donna S.
8:44 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Too Young to Die...
Breezing through the posts on Facebook yesterday I came across a post from a high school friend. It was obvious she was shocked and hurt, having just found out about the death of a friend. I read it and felt sad, and thought - I hope that he had a nice life... and then a few minutes later I stopped cold in my chair and went back to her post. Paul Mclaughlin... I knew a Paul Mclaughlin. I quickly searched his name on Faceook, and linked onto the one that my friend was linked to, and scrolled his friend list. It didn't take long for me to sadly realize this was my old friend Paul. We had been out of touch for several years and yet he was one of the best people I've had the opportunity to cross paths with.
Back in my 20's, I remember meeting him - a crowded night at Dailey's Bar - his wit and sarcasm was blended perfectly with niceness. Our circles of friends intersected often enough that the lines blurred and became one. I remember I never spent time around him without laughing at myself, while at the same time never feeling like the butt of the joke. What I remember the most is taking him to a Sharks Game... and sitting outside the stadium after the game - having the most amazing talk about life. My friend Paul was not well - he had lupus - with many complications. And yet he had the most amazing outlook of anyone I knew. I remember not taking things for granted for a long time after that... until slowly his words faded, like a favorite old pair of jeans that get forgotten when the new ones get placed in the closet.
I'm sad I fell out of touch with Paul.... He was a marvelous person.
I have been thinking alot about my friend Thom Mannarino lately. His death still sits unsettled in my heart. I always thought I'd be an old woman drinking cocktails at my friend Jens house - listening to old Madonna, and reminiscing about our wild younger days. In that picture I always imagined Thom's laughter as Jen suggested something inappropriate.... that only she could get away with.
I miss you Thommy and Paul. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the memories and for the laughs and for the friendship.
Posted by
Donna S.
10:38 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sela's Happy Art
Every doodle that Sela makes seems to have a smiley face on it. (Unless it is the No Brothers Allowed sign she made for her door - there ishe made Zach with a sad face) I guess we have a happy girl!
Posted by
Donna S.
11:05 AM
Labels: Sela art
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dear Tooth Fairy
I lost my tooth. I think I might have swallowed it. I wonder if you have a tooth detector? I hope it is still possible to get a prize for my lost tooth. Thank you,
Love, Zach
PS.. Just a little tip... look in the toilet!
Tooth Fairy - Zach is telling the truth. Look in his mouth on the bottom. Signed Zach's Mommy.
Oh my boy is hilarious... We have had a day - he'd been worried ALL day about that tooth. He woke up realized it was gone and got all nervous. "My tummy hurts." "How will it come out?" "What about the tooth fairy?" "What am I going to do??!"
I'll post pictures of the smile with the hole tomorrow.
Posted by
Donna S.
10:38 PM
Labels: lost tooth, swallowed tooth., Zach
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hail Mary Passes and Plan B
I found out last week that we would likely NOT be getting the space we have been waiting on for 3 months - because of unforseen costs to build out the space. Last week I was feeling sorry for myself and MAD. I was mad that I had let this go on for 3 months without grabbing the bull by the horns and ro either make it work or walk away.
In less than an hour the Mayor and Asst. City Manager will be walking the space with me and the developer to see if they have any suggestions on how this deal could work. I know it is a Hail Mary Pass... I keep thinking about how Montana and how he always pulled things out in the last seconds of the game.... to win. Today though I feel more like I'm punting, and that my quarterback didn't play his best game,and is hoping for a miracle. We all know this is farther than I've punted before.
So chances are when the buzzer sounds in an hour - We'll be looking to win the next game - to find an alternative space and make THAT be the home of reCREATE.
So - I'll hold my chin up and go find plan B if I must. I have another friend looking for a plan B at the moment and I wish her all the best to find it. If the door slams shut, climb through the window!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:14 AM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Grrrr... my heel is killing me
Summer comes and I kick off my shoes and traipse around barefooted - a couple of years ago this was a tad problematic with minor pain in my heel.
Fast forward - I'm running now- summer hits and suddenly my heel is so tender I can hardly walk on it. I've iced it, and researched it. Apparently I am doomed to buy orthopedic approved flip flops (at least they are cute!) - at $70 a pop, and I'm going to have to cross train until the pain goes away. I'm grumpy I want to RUN!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:40 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
7 miles... 6 more to go
I logged a 7 mile run last Saturday. I felt powerful and strong through most of it.
Everytime I thought to myself this is too far - I would just think of my running buddies - all in different places in the US, and push on. I do wish You all lived closer... the post run glass of wine would be so much fun to enjoy together!
Posted by
Donna S.
10:44 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
One Step Forward three steps back
Today I learned that the developer that was courting us to house our Art Center is likely stepping away from the deal. It is 12:40AM and I am sitting here AWAKE with knots in my stomach. There is a solution. There is a solution.... I will find the solution.
For 3 months they have been telling me this will happen, that they will make it happen... and today they simply said - We can't make it happen. blah blah - AC unit blah blah Stairs blah blah blah.
We left the meeting agreeing to try one last walk through meeting with city officials... but they were supposed to get me dates for the meeting and didn't. I'm seeing the writing on the wall.
Must go to sleep so tomorrow I can start fresh again.
Posted by
Donna S.
12:38 AM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Zach's Graduation
Our Zach had his kindergarten graduation yesterday. Mark and Sela and I got there early so we could get a front row seat. It was pretty cute. They sang "You Are My Sunshine" and "Take Me out to the Ballgame". There was a slide show and then the graduation ceremony. 80 little children who now know the basics they need to move forward in their lives. 80 little children whose lives can be ANYTHING. Keep dreaming big my little man - and you can be a submarine driver and a astronaut and whatever else you dream of. We love you and are so proud of you!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:16 AM
Labels: Kindergarten graduation, Zach
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Yesterdays Gift
Yesterday I got this short email sending me to this blog, and told me not to roll my eyes...
My friend B is one of the smartest people I know. For her to say we are the same was a huge compliment.
This path I took... the one that first I got married on... then chose to have kids, and finally founded reCREATE has been the most wonderful path. The path I thought I had wanted when I was younger was filled with important titles, big big jobs and big big paychecks. I worked hard and climbed the ladder, and when I got to the place where I was earning more than I ever imagined I felt completely empty.
When I founded reCREATE, I knew I would take a significant pay cut. But every day when I "work" rarely does it feel like work. Most of the time I giggle to myself and think I found the best of all worlds - a supportive husband, a gig that helps me teach our kids to tread lightly on the earth while still having fun, and the amazing feeling that I am making a difference. Changing the world.... I don't know... but I suppose we all change the world each day in our own ways, right?
Thanks B for reminding me how very lucky I am on this path I took.
Posted by
Donna S.
7:04 AM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hangin out on a Saturday
I decided that we have been over-scheduled and needed a lazy day. We stayed in our pajamas late into the morning, we relaxed and watched cartoons... the kids taking turns snuggling with me, and we just chilled out this morning. I think we all needed it. After lunch, we went outside to get some fresh air. Here are some pictures... I love Sela's new dress, and how pretty it looked against the lawn... so I snapped a bunch. Zach was having fun posing on the new patio furniture. Zach has his kindergarten graduation in a few days... where does the time go?
I can't believe how fast they grow up - Sela has figured our how to pump her legs to swing, and even though it seems like such a minor thing, it kinda choked me up to realize my baby doesn't need to be pushed anymore. She skips like a 6 year old... bouncy and perfect.
On the other hand they still have incredible sweet innocence. Driving in the car the other day they said this...
Sela - "Zach will you marry me when we grow up?"
Zach - "No Sela. We will be living in differnt houses."
Sela - "But I love you and always want to be with you."
Zach - "Well lets just live with Mommy and Daddy forever!"
Sela - "Ok - but we all need to move to a castle, because I'm going to be a Princess!"
Zach - "Seeeeelaaa!! Princesses aren't real!"
Sela - "Yes they are, Right Cinderella?" (Her imaginary princess friend.)
I just love them so much.
Posted by
Donna S.
1:24 PM
Labels: growing up, kids talking, swings
Monday, May 25, 2009
So I've been running....
Woo Hoo... I've logged 100 miles since I got my Nike +. It is the coolest little gadget... it works with an ipod to collect info on pace, distance, etc. I just love it!
Posted by
Donna S.
11:21 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sela turns 4!
After the excitement of Disneyland - we opted for a small celebration for Sela's birthday.
We went to a fun indoor gym here called Wacky Tacky, and she invited a few favorite classmates, and her best pals from down the street.
I can't believe my little girl is four already. She is my sunshine.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:53 AM
Labels: sela parties
Happiest Place on Earth? Really?
Fav Trip Pics
Standing in Line
So I had this anxious feeling that we were missing the window in taking our kids to Disneyland. Sela was about to turn 4 and Zach at 6.... I was worried we wouldn't get them to see Disneyland with magic in their eyes if we didn't go soon.
So Mark was a sweetheart and arranged the entire trip. We stayed at the Disney Paradise Pier Hotel - which I liked a lot. We got a 3 day pass to both parks, and hit the road.
If you have kids that are 6 and 4 - you are by NO means missing the boat if you haven't taken them to Disneyland. There is plenty of time!
We chose not to stroller them - they never use a stroller at home anymore... so they walked... except when we carried them... all the way bak to the hotel from the back of Disneyland Park. On the bright side - my arms are looking buff these days!
Some kids may really love it... but my kids were a bit overwhelmed. Too many things to see... even on the kids rides - there was stuff jumping out in so many of them - Sela just hid her face on the ride... I felt like I was torturing her. Zach cried because there were too many choices. It really is alot for kids to take in.
Overall it WAS fun... but we defintiely could have waited a few years.
Ride Highlight: Soaring over California - at California Adventure. For the Kids - What Else - Its a Small World.
Parade Fav: The parade at California Adventure... just expect to get squirted with their water guns.
Show Fav: Taking Sela to have breakfast with the isn't really a show per se - but it was like a show coming alive for Cici.
Food Highlight: Napoli's: good! - decent servings and prices.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:06 AM
Labels: Disneyland
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Open House
Zach's school had open house last night. He was wound tight as a top all week long... I guess he wanted to be sure we would be proud of him (Of course we were!).
He was very proud going around the room showing us all his hard work. He finally got to one thing and got a sad look on his face because he hadn't finished it - He was quick to tell us they did that project when he was out sick. He was so serious about the whole thing, and very proud of his hard work, as he should be... he did a great job!
Posted by
Donna S.
7:22 PM
Labels: kindergarten Openhouse
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Our Weekend
We were on the party circuit this weekend. Princess Sela was invited to a high tea at the home of one of her classmates. Complete with a visit from Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Ci has a great time with all her froneds dancing, listening to stories and getting her face painted.
Sunday we went to San Jose to help celebrate Sean and Ricks' birthdays. We went Miniature golfing. It was Zach's first try and he got 2 hole in ones! Poor Zach cried about leaving all the way to Walnut Creek. "I miss Seany!" "It's no fair - I wanted to stay longer." you get the idea. Ir was great to spend some time with Cheryl and her family. I feel so lucky to have such an awesome friend.
Posted by
Donna S.
10:48 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Snowball Trees
I actually have no idea what these are called... we call them snowball trees because the blooms look like a fluffy snowball from far away.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:19 AM
Springtime Fun
We have had some lovely weather recently. I wanted to catch the trees in bloom this year - every year I seem to miss it, and I was determined not to miss it this time, so the kids and I went on a walk. I love taking pictures of them just playing at the park, they are so happy there.
I'll post my spring pictures next!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:55 AM
The Little Pink Blanket
I realized recently that I had a VERY few number of pictures with Sela and her beloved Little Pink Blankey. She loves this blanket. When she was about a year and a half old, it got a little hole in it... I tried closing it up, but my little one was fascinated with the hole, and before we knew it the little hold was a medium sized hole, and then beflre long the hole also could be used so the blanket could be used at a poncho.
Now after my failed attempts at getting the hole fixed, I tried to swap it out for a new and improved version of the blanket. I tried and she said that one wasn't soft enough - It looked the same but the yarn was indeed slightly different.... so as you can guess I was quite excited when I found the exact same blanket. I bought it - bonus - it was even 50% off! Tried to swap it out... and she said it was too pink! I washed it a few time to try and replicate the original... and tried one more time to give it to her one night when she was half asleep... even then she knew it was an imposter... She said, "that isn't my blankey - it doesn't smell like my blankey."
I gave up and decided to let her keep that blankey - complete with a huge hole!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:45 AM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Zach's 6!
We had a great party for Zach's 6th birthday. We held it ia the Maidu Interprative Center - a n Indian Museum here in Roseville. There were 23 kids there - 25 with Zach n' Sela. It was very fun. The kids learned to throw spears, made bracelets, sang native songs, had dinner outside, followed by roasted marshmallows and cake.
Here is the camping theme invitation and s'more party favor. They also got an arrowhead and polished stone of their choice. I think the kids had a blast.

You may notice that he decided to ask for a donation to the Monterey Bay Aquarium instead of gifts... He still ended up with plenty of gifts... but he was able to donate over $200.00 to the aquarium and he was REALLY excited about that!! We are excited to take him to see the Seahorse exhibit when it opens.
Posted by
Donna S.
3:39 PM
Labels: camping party invitiation and smore favor, zach camping party
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What a Difference a Week Makes...
Did I really say my life was carefree on Monday? That must have been before I had to take Zach to the doc again for his Asthma, Sela threw up on me, and I practically begged the doc on the phone for cough medicine with codeine so that I might someday get over this cough that is BACK.
I guess I was still caught up in the high from our new president!
So now I am looking down the barrel of a week that includes:
*Planning/purchasing/prepping food for a gazillion kids at Zach's b-day on Saturday Afternoon
* Finishing my presentation for a group of teachers at the IMAX theatre on Saturday Morning.
* Finishing and prepping materials for a Valentines Craft for Saturday morning for reCREATE.
*Praying that this cough will miraculously go away by tomorrow and that the kids will be healthy this week.
*All this and Mark will be gone for most of it. This is taking some getting used to.
I'm going to bed. I'm tired just thinking about it. Have a great week and wish me luck!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:56 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
Random January Pictures
Birds nest we spotted out on a walk.
Fun on the slide.
Zach Helping Ci put on her shoes.
I woke up this morning, The sun was shining, the family is happy, and I was reminded how blessed I am to have such a wonderful carefree life.
Thanks for stopping by!
I have been meaning to post these pictures for some time... and finally got around to it.
Posted by
Donna S.
9:00 AM
Sela's New Knit Vest
Thanks Namie for the pretty vest you made for Sela! Sela loves it. It wasn't easy to get a picture though. She wanted to play "swimming ballet" - and insisted on wearing it over her swimmng suit January, ...while it was raining outside. I finally coaxed her into a tutu.
Posted by
Donna S.
8:46 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Donuts With Dad
Yesterday Mark took off the morning from work to go to "Donuts with Dad" at Zach's school. Zach was SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to have his daddy vist him at school. The kids made their Dads all a tie for them to wear. They put on a little show singing "Take me out to the ballgame" and a few other songs, made a picture with their dad, and got to eat donuts! How fun. Me... I was home cranking through a grant proposal dreaming about donuts!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:20 AM
Labels: donuts with dad
Friday, January 16, 2009
Time Marches On
I just can't believe the rapid pace that children grow. Sela is doing the cutest version of a 3 year old skipping I have ever seen. I asked he where she learned to skip - expecting the answer to be, "from my princess friends" - the answer of choice these days. She said from Wow Wow Wubbsy... the episode with the new little girl.
We are planning Zach's b-day party... he wants a campout theme. We are going small this year... I'm tired!
Posted by
Donna S.
10:37 AM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Word of the Month
I can never just think of one word to represent my year... but this month ist is definitely organize. It is high time I get everything organized, and get reCREATE completely out of the garage. It has been engulfing our entire world for a while now. I can't believe how much progress I have made in the last couple of weeks... if feels great!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:59 PM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year - I have been busily cleaning closets - donating clothes and stuff we just don't need. It feels sgood to simplify. I must say that the con of reCREATE, is that I had gotten to the point I wasn't throwing anything away... so there were little stacks of reCREATE stuff in drawers here, and bags there... I finally got it out and it feels good!
I have been such an awful blogger as of late, and again, am thinking that I am missing things - and need to get them written down.
Zach said he was a "car with rocket boosters" in the car the other day, and not to be overdone, Sela sing-songed , "Well I am a horsey car with fairy dust!" It was so funny to me that in each of their minds they had clearly "won" that one! I mush prefer the verbal wars to the hitting, pinching and other mean things they have been doing to eachother lately.
Sela is LOVING her Doll house from Christmas, and Zach is Mr. Hot Wheels these days.
I will post some pictures soon.
Posted by
Donna S.
10:32 AM