New Years Eve isn't the same without Susan and Ken nearby. We had started a short tradition of celebrating New Years together - and then they moved to Colorado. There are many times throughout the year that I miss them... but especially today/tonight.
So Susan - Tonight in your honor I make a Smore in the microwave, I will raise my glass to you and the RoTisSueSee - Because... well it WAS a good idea... but GLUE on a Marshmallow melter??! I miss you my friends - come visit soon, and give Jackson a kiss for me.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Missing Old Friends
Posted by
Donna S.
2:59 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Posted by
Donna S.
11:22 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Grut, Grut, Glorious Grut
Posted by
Donna S.
10:00 PM
Labels: Christmas layout, rommegrut
So Very Lucky
Posted by
Donna S.
8:43 PM
Labels: birthday, Camera, Creative ReUSE center
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Carols
Sela sang from her heart,
"Frosty the Snowman had a very happy nose!"
It reminded me of Zach last year. He was acting up, and I starting singing Santa Claus is Coming to town...
"He sees you when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake... He knows if you've been bad or good so be" (and I paused for full effect and absorbtion of the next word....)
To which Zach said, "have" as in Behave!
It doesn't ryhme - but it was the highlight of last years caroling - just like Sela's Frosty rendition has been this year!
Posted by
Donna S.
7:56 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Santa Baby - Some new heels?
I've been meaning to make a page about Sela and her shoes... She got these shoes from some friends for her birthday and she LOVES them and often puts them on before anything (see top right pic)... So when we had the Christmas party.... the pink dress went on - and like a flash she was off for her "princess shoes". She would wear these every day if I let her - and often on the wrong foot. You just gotta love her sense of style, huh?!
I better go wrap some presents!
Posted by
Donna S.
10:27 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Santa Claus Came to Town!
We had such a nice holiday celebration with the kids on Tuesday. It was my kind of party to host - everyone brought food and yummy drinks - and I really didn't have much to do the day of the party - so I went to the mall and found Sela that sassy dress (The shoes were her addition - and there was no getting them off of her) and Zach his train sweater.
I liked Santa - he was nice - kept asking the kids if they had been good - I LOVED that!!
Zach said Santa looked way to different from the other day... true... so he wasn't too warm and fuzzy with him. He just can't trust a guy who can change his appearance just like that!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:54 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Reserving the name!!
I've not been here much this week. Tuesday night Santa visited our house - and there were 5 familes and 11 kids here... great fun and awesome pictures that I promise to share soon. Last night I went out to dinner with a couple of my girlfriends - My mom was kind enough to watch the kids because Mark was in the bay area for the night. Was nice for some adult time - and I am proud to say we talked about more than just our kids!
Tomorrow I am going to file a name reservation request for my potential non-profit. I found out there are some significant grants via the city that would be coming up for possible consideration - with paperwork due February 8th - ACK! I need to have my 501C 3 done by then to be considered... so I guess I will file the other paperwork next week - if I am able to get the name reserved tomorrow.
Scrambling to get a bare bones board put together for me to put the paperwork in. Could so use a clone of myself. Speaking of needing to be in two places at once... I need to sign off and go give my husband some attention!
Posted by
Donna S.
10:11 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Learning cool new things again!

Posted by
Donna S.
10:04 PM
A Visit From Santa
![]() |
From Digital Scrap... |
Yesterday we went to the Fishers' house for a Santa Claus Party! The kids all were dressed in their PJ's and it was as cute as can be. I think Zach and Ci did pretty good considering it took us almost 3 hours to make the trip there. Sela ended up sitting right next to Santa... and Zach came and sat hiding behind me for much of the time... finally we were able to get him to go to Santa - and when Santa asked him what he wanted - he said a "Wish Box" - like on Little Einsteins. He wants his box to magically turn into what he wants when he opens it. It took some convincing for him to understand Santa DID give him a wish box - because he was wishing for Legos - and that was what Santa brought him. I had to tell him that Little Einsteins was all about Hollywood effects - and that isn't real. It was the first time I tried out my camera for any length of time and I LOOOVVVE it! But I have TONS to learn!
Last night we stayed at a hotel. Zach was asleep long before we got there. Mark just plopped him into bed and he snoozed for hours before stirring. Ci took a little longer to settle down - but she slept through the night - and for that I was thankful!
Watched the end of Survivor - and reminded myself to STOP watching it as they always give the money to the jerks. Oh well!
Posted by
Donna S.
1:41 PM
Labels: Camera, Santa Claus, Survivor
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Santa Can you please help me?
Posted by
Donna S.
8:33 AM
Labels: December, Santa wish
Friday, December 14, 2007
Holiday Tags
Posted by
Donna S.
10:53 PM
Labels: 12 Days Whimsical Wonderland, Gift tags, Jen Wilson
Whew! TGIF!
Long day today... not sure why - I really didn't get much done...
Took the kiddos for haircuts this morning, then off to the park, ran home fixed lunch got snacks for school (my turn), shuttled Zach to Preschool, while Sela was supposed to take her nap. I got home and DH said she never settled down... she was in her crib - "playing with her [imaginary] sea otter". Got the presents needed for the weekend holiday party... wrapped a few, picked Zach back up, took the kids to the library, checked work emails, dealt with work stuff for a bit, played with the new camera, read a good portion of the DRY "How to Establish a Non-Profit Corporation" book, went with Mark and the kids to Fry's, fed the kids In and Out Burger while looking at Christmas lights, ran in, got Ci ready for bed, read her 2 books, got her in bed, tucked Zach in got on the Digital Designers chat, and tried to keep up. I never chat anymore, and have lost all ability to keep up with 6 conversations at once! now I need to finish my layout... ok - I'm tired just looking at my day - but somehow I feel better looking at it like that - I did some good things with the kids today.
On another note.. I had my meeting with SCORE yesterday about my Creative Reuse Center idea... the initial body language was hilarious - both were leaning back with their arms crossed, until I presented my plan and rough budget numbers. By the end of the meeting they were giving me some great advice on next steps and ways to make the numbers come together a bit closer, and names of people to contact. I am actually feeling more positive about it. They said I was more prepared than 95% of the people who walk in there, and I felt like I was totally winging it!
So - again... anyone out there who might want to support a creative cause that is good for the earth - we need to talk!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:12 PM
Labels: busy day, Creative ReUSE center
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Missing My Digital Classes!
Posted by
Donna S.
9:01 PM
Labels: Creative Reuse, Whimsical Wonderland
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Things heard before the sun rises
Me: I'm in here. (my bed... obviously... it was 4:56am... and I had already been up a few times because I had been summoned.)
Z: Running into my room. MOM!! I wanted you to come to me!!! I called you to come to me!!!
Me: Trying very hard not to buy into the drama - (as it is 4:56AM - did I mention the time??!) Zach - What do you need?
Z: Mom- why didn't you come to me? I called you to me. This goes on for 5 minutes - I know because now the clock says 5:01am.
Me: Zach, What did you want me for? (for the 50th time. )
Z: OOOOHHH! You made me forget!!
Me: Zach - let's just go to sleep and you can remember in the morning.
Z: :::sigh::: ok... but you made me forget.
Me: Z - Sleeeeeeppp pleeeaaze.
Me ::: back to sleep - beautiful sleep::::
Z: Mom!! I remember! Is there going to be a cake or cupcakes at Kendal's birthday party?
Me: Probably cupcakes. (Proud of myself for not getting grumpy for getting woken up again.)
Z: Oh.
Me: Why - do you like cake better?
Z: YEAH! You get more!!
Little did Zach know that Kendal's birthday party would have both! Cake at the party and a cupcake to take home... Lucky boy! How about that cake? Dusti's talent is amazing to me. Is there anything that girl can't do??!
Posted by
Donna S.
10:26 PM
Labels: cake vs cupcakes
16 days of Single Motherhood And Grumpy Faces
Mark just got back from his annual 2 weeks a year with the Army Reserve. I think I did pretty good at being a single mom... but on my 16th day - as we were scrambling to get out of the house (late for something as usual)... I lost my patience and raised my voice - and ranted about the lack of focus on getting out the door. I got the kids in the car, took a few deep breaths, prayed for a moment of silence in the car, so I could regain my happy place... and miraculously the kids were quiet. After a few minutes of this, I said, "I'm sorry I got flustered and yelled at you back there. I really don't want to yell - but I get grumpy when you ignore what I am saying."
To which my four year old son says, Mom. Everyone gets like that sometimes... if you don't want to yell, just have a grumpy face."
Posted by
Donna S.
10:17 PM
Labels: grumpy face
Friday, December 7, 2007
Conversing with a two year old...
Walking back from dropping Zach off at preschool - Ci is telling me how Zach's best buddy from Class Carson played with her too. Her little arms were so expressive, as she told me, "and we played on the horseys and slide and the other place too!"
Posted by
Donna S.
11:21 PM
Started My December Pages
Posted by
Donna S.
10:28 PM
Labels: Christmas layout, Hello Kitty, Sela
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I love the way Zach thinks!
Posted by
Donna S.
8:38 PM
Labels: nocturnal
Annual Cookie Exchange
Posted by
Donna S.
8:52 AM
Labels: cookie exchange, cookie recipe book