Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Things heard before the sun rises

Me: I'm in here. (my bed... obviously... it was 4:56am... and I had already been up a few times because I had been summoned.)
Z: Running into my room. MOM!! I wanted you to come to me!!! I called you to come to me!!!
Me: Trying very hard not to buy into the drama - (as it is 4:56AM - did I mention the time??!) Zach - What do you need?
Z: Mom- why didn't you come to me? I called you to me. This goes on for 5 minutes - I know because now the clock says 5:01am.
Me: Zach, What did you want me for? (for the 50th time. )
Z: OOOOHHH! You made me forget!!
Me: Zach - let's just go to sleep and you can remember in the morning.
Z: :::sigh::: ok... but you made me forget.
Me: Z - Sleeeeeeppp pleeeaaze.
Me ::: back to sleep - beautiful sleep::::
Z: Mom!! I remember! Is there going to be a cake or cupcakes at Kendal's birthday party?
Me: Probably cupcakes. (Proud of myself for not getting grumpy for getting woken up again.)
Z: Oh.
Me: Why - do you like cake better?
Z: YEAH! You get more!!

Little did Zach know that Kendal's birthday party would have both! Cake at the party and a cupcake to take home... Lucky boy! How about that cake? Dusti's talent is amazing to me. Is there anything that girl can't do??!


Anonymous said...

Ummm...did the mom make that beautiful sugar sculpture? Holy smokes! sw

Anonymous said...

The mom did make that beautiful girl on the cake out of Foundant (sp).

Unknown said...

OMG, that cake is amazing. If I got a cake like that I'd be the happiest girl ever. :D