Sunday, December 30, 2007

Completed a JS Photoshop Friday Tutorial and scrapped this picture I've been not sure how to scrap. Love the blurred effects....
I also did my Starbucks tumbler .... I love it!! I'll take some pictures of it tomorrow and post it.
Zach is at my parents house for the weekend. We dropped him off yesterday evening, and he'll be home tomorrow afternoon. It seems so weirdly quiet around here. I miss him but must admit I savored sleeping until 7:40am this morning. Sela happily sleeps in when Zach isn't rousing the entire house at the crack of dawn. When I talked to him this evening I asked him if he even missed me - and he said, "I do. An entsy weensy bit. "
Well that is better than not at all!
Meanwhile Miss Ci is loving having me all to herself. (Mark was working on the upstairs cabinets much of the day) She was all over me today putting toys on my head as hats and giggling, "helping" me take the Christmas decorations down. We had a fun day together. She cracks me up.
Tonight Mark and Sela and I went out to eat and then Sela asked to see Christmas lights again. Our favorite neighborhood to go to was dark - with only a few houses still lit up. Sela said in her sad voice, "Mama is Christmas over?" (I've been telling her this for a few days now - because she keeps asking me what Iwant for Christmas). I got the biggest lump in my throat, as I explained that yes, this was our last time to look at lights this year. I'm ready to put the decorations away... but I can't believe how fast the time rolls past. I swear I blink and the kids are older.

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