Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa Can you please help me?

It is inevitable that when December rolls around my kids start bouncing off the walls... it has happens like clockwork. I'm not sure if it is the overabundance of sweets (Which I try to avoid), or the thought of the visit from Santa. Maybe it is the absolute overstimulation from everywhere they look.

I try my very hardest not to say, "Please be good or I am going to have to call Santa." But... it comes flowing out of my mouth for the first time around the 10th of the month when I have tried every other sound Mom technique I know - to no avail.

I don't want to do this - because last year when my son sat on the little digger he wanted so very badly, with a quivering voice he looked at me and said so thankfully, "I WAS good enough!" It broke my heart to think I had led him to believe he might not actually get his present - because December is a hard month for little kids to get through.

I have tried to avoid the malls, and to simplify this season to a few ideals I would like my kids to have in their hearts for Christmas.

So, Santa - for this year, can you please not let ME forget that the number of years that kids think Christmas is magical are numbered, and I need to savor these moments. I need to chill out and give my kids more patience and more understanding of their behavior around the holidays. I need to model calm behaviour in a month where everything else is screaming for their attention.

Thanks Santa - I hope in your eyes, that "I" will be good enough this year - that my kids hold memories from this year forever. I believe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan ... I have so been in that exact situation ... many years ago. All my kids are grown now and I look back and treasure those special Santa years.

Love your blog!!! It's awesome and you've done some really great LO's. Thanks for sharing with us!!!