Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a difference a day makes

Wow. I feel like my life is back on track so I got a layout done today. Had a great afternoon with my kids - we made cookies and dinner together, and just had fun.
This layout is about my little Zach and his love for morning time - early morning time. I don't share this love with him... and thankfully neither does my daughter. It isn't that I hate mornings... it is just that I think it should be a time for quiet reflection and planning for your day. My son wakes up and is ready to go fullspeed ahead.... much like my mom. My husband once took his clock and taped over everything but the hour portion, and told him he could only get out of bed when the number hit 7.... so he would call from his bed, "I think my clock is broken!!" I wish I could be like that in the morning.


Laurie said...

How cute! I am sooooo not a morning person either. Must be why I work nights. Thankfully Brogan is still at the age that I can feed him a bottle and put him back to bed. Most of the time he will sleep for another 2 hours. Maybe someday I will be a morning person.

Jeanne said...

This is a great layout and story! You will be so happy you scrapped it. My older daughter and I are the early, go get 'em, risers. My husband and younger daughters you pretty much leave alone. LOL I love how you scrapped an everyday type of story...the best kind I think. One that captures your life so well.

Well done!

Jackie said...

what a cool lo..I am a morning person too...if it doesn't get done in the morning it doesn't get done :)